Folding Fridays,
MoMath’s online origami series

Fridays, 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm ET


Tap into your creative mathematical side by learning to fold a unique origami model each week!  Every session will be different, and each can stand alone.  Explore the wonders of paper folding — there’s math in every fold!


Featured model for May 10
Chequered Spinner Cube


If you love modulars and action models, don’t miss the opportunity to fold the Chequered Spinner Cube, designed by the British origami expert Max Hulme.  Each of the six pieces in this model is folded to reveal a checkered image while, at the same time, creating tabs and pockets.  Hold your finished model between two fingers and blow on it to see this winged cube spin!

Spring 2024 Series

Fridays, May 10 through June 14
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm ET

Register for the entire six-sessions series, $72


Register for a single session, $15


This course is appropriate for adults and children ages seven and up; some familiarity with folding origami is recommended in order to keep up with the pace of the class.

Materials required: Several sheets of square paper (between 5.5″ and 8.5″ in side length).  Origami paper is preferred, or you can cut your own squares from any paper.  You may need a few sheets of copy paper, too.

These are online-only events.  Occasional video recordings are made available for a fee at